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Tuesday, 17 August 2010

Welcome to The Zumba Boys Blog!

This is David & Tom Lowe's little blog spot for our company 'The Zumba Boys'.
We hope this blog will prove popular with our class participants & as a good way to keep up to date with vital information about our classes & venues.

Kind Regards.

David & Tom Lowe
(The Zumba Boys)


  1. Love the classes boys, Chunky is my fave.

  2. Re- Tuesday morning venue for Tom. Have you tried St Cuthberts church Hall on slateford Road.

  3. hi guys, if you want to move out of town, try ratho church hall. it has a good sized stage and dance floor. esther

  4. Hi there.
    Thanks for these two possible venues.
    I tried St Cuthberts months ago but they don't do regular lets, only one of parties/functions.
    Esther, we will look in to Ratho Church Hall.
    Tom :o)
